Educational packages for learning in augmented and virtual reality

AR Encycl. 1 Year

Multi-platform augmented application with 5000 digital objects,  3333 3D models & interesting facts

School license One Year - for 1000 users

Price:                    480 EUR with VAT

AR Encycl. LT

Multi-platform augmented application with 5000 digital objects, 3333 3D models & interesting facts

School license  LifeTime - for 1000 users

Price:                             1200 with VAT


- 2 x VR glasses
- 2 x lifetime license for the student of your choice
- 1 x lifetime license for teacher
- 1 x AR apps containing 3333 3D models
- 1 x case with charging and ventilation
- service support
- Initial training
3 630 EUR with  VAT


- 4 x VR glasses
- 4 x lifetime license for the student of their choice
- 1 x lifetime license for teacher
- 1 x AR apps containing 3333 3D models
- 1 x case with charging and ventilation
- Service support
- Initial training

7 920 EUR with VAT


- 8 x VR glasses
- 8 x lifetime license for the student of your choice
- 1 x lifetime license for teacher
- 1 x AR apps containing 3333 3D models
- 2 x case with charging and ventilation
- Service support
- Initial training

15 920 EUR with VAT


- 16 x VR glasses
- 16 x lifetime license for the student of your choice
- 1 x lifetime license for teacher
- 1 x AR app containing 3333 3D models
- 4 x case with charging and ventilation
- Service support
- Initial training

27 920 EUR with VAT

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