Simulations for universities

Medical software for virtual teaching of professional activities in universities.

Content insertion function

Function for importing objects from the gallery into a 3D scene created in the "Teacher" module. Allows you to add various multimedia content in a suitable format - sounds, images, animations, documents, links to web pages for further use. Supported content formats are specified in detail in the General System Requirements section. The "Teacher" module also allows you to view a gallery of all 3D models/objects divided into categories according to the types of 3D models/objects.

In the open gallery you will be able to click on the 3D model/object to be inserted into the current 3D scene (virtual environment). In the displayed gallery there will also be a possibility to sort and full-text search between 3D models/objects.

In addition to the supplied specialised widgets (see chapter Specialised widgets), the user-teacher will be able to add or place his/her own multimedia content, at least in the following scope:

▪ 3D models - uploading via the above described interface of the "Teacher" module, compatible FBX format with textures, possibility of direct saving to the data store with description/reference to the necessary information in the system database.
▪ Animation for 3D models - FBX compatible format, must necessarily be linked to the above 3D models.
▪ Particle system1 - background for "particle system" content, at least smoke, flowing water, rain, alt. snow, fire and steam, flowing blood, liquid syringe......

Content embedding feature

Functions for importing objects from the gallery into a 3D scene created in the "Teacher" module. It allows you to add various multimedia content in a suitable format - sounds, images, animations, documents, links to websites for further use. Supported content formats are specified in detail in the General System Requirements section. The "Teacher" module also allows you to display a gallery of all 3D models/objects divided into categories according to the types of 3D models/objects.

In the open gallery, it will be possible to click on a 3D model/object to be inserted into the current 3D scene (virtual environment). In the displayed gallery, there will also be the possibility of sorting and full-text search between 3D models/objects.

In addition to the supplied specialized widgets (see the Specialized widgets chapter), the user - teacher will have the opportunity to supply or place their own multimedia content, at least in the following range:

▪ 3D models - upload via the "Teacher" module interface described above, compatible FBX format with textures, possibility of direct saving to data storage with a description/link to the necessary information in the system database.
▪ Animation for 3D models - format compatible with FBX, must necessarily be connected to the above mentioned 3D models.
▪ Particle system1 - background for "particle system" content, at least smoke, running water, rain, alt. snow, fire and steam, flowing blood, liquid syringe......

Creating animations

This is a function that allows creating animations in a semi-automated way, always for a selected 3D model/object. To create an animation, the tools that are an integral part of the animation creation feature are used. Furthermore, it will be possible to attach an animation from the available animation collection to the selected 3D model, and create an animated 3D object. The animation created in this way can be saved and applied to a specific 3D model/object.

Editing of virtual spaces - 3D scenes

A function used, among other things, to load a previously created virtual space - a 3D scene. After loading a 3D scene, the user is allowed to modify this virtual space scene, for example by replacing a certain 3D model/object located in the given 3D scene or by adding other selected objects to this 3D scene. The virtual space modified in this way can then be saved again or saved and later modified again in the tool of the function in question.

A set of tools for measuring 3D scenes in virtual space

A function used to measure distances and angles in a selected 3D scene. Measurements can be performed on 3D models/objects as well as on the 3D scene itself in a virtual environment. Measurement is required at least when setting up the virtual space in the "Teacher" module. The function is not required when working in a virtual reality environment for the "Student" module.

1 Particle system - 3D animation requires the ability to create special effects using particles, a particle system is a set of small shaded objects that behave as a group with some degree of randomness, and these systems can be used to create things like smoke, fire, splashes of paint, snow, steam and next.

Triggering actions on content (trigger)

Features that allow you to create and manage action triggers - triggers. This involves assigning different actions to individual functions performed on the 3D model/object, such as at least triggering a pre-defined animation, e.g. when the user presses a button in the virtual space.

Functionality test

This feature gives the "Teacher" user the ability to create a test for a group of users or an individual "Student". Tests are always entered individually, even if several users are logged in at the same time, the system must ensure that the tested pupils receive questions in a random order and also that "copying" of answers is not allowed.

It is also necessary to be able to directly incorporate the 3D model into a test question, for example the question "The 3D model shown has:", which means that the system offers options and the user selects answers by selecting one or more correct options. Furthermore, the question can be formulated in such a way that the user is invited to assemble a puzzle (see the example described below) - assembling a water pump from the offered objects, while correctly used/correctly selected objects are subsequently evaluated.

Puzzle functionality

The folding system enables:

1. creating puzzles from 3D models/objects found in the 3D models/objects database,
2. Creating a text puzzle using user input of optional text,
3. Creating groups of letters using the so-called anagram2,
4. setting a suitable surface on which the puzzle should be displayed via virtual reality,
5. setting specific connection points for each model in "puzzle" mode,
6. setting up connections between connection points,
7. setting the minimum and maximum position value for connection,
8. setting the minimum and maximum rotation value for the connection,
9. setting the correct position and rotation of the selected article,
10. setting the alignment of models in case of coupling according to the correct position and rotation,

System data

Display format - PC or 3D glasses Oculus quest 2 or 3 The system has the ability to evaluate simulation processes.

Evaluation system defining the achievement of acceptable quality of execution of a particular scenario by the student. Multiplayer system - audio and video transmission, students can communicate with each other.

Ability to transfer and manipulate 3D models such as medical instruments. User can palpate pulse and other vital signs in a virtual patient.

Active participants do not see any observers in the virtual environment. An inactive participant can be connected to the simulation.

Remote image transfer to another monitor or projector

Multiplayer game for a minimum of 4 participants (patients or team members)

All environments/scenarios can be freely modified without programming. Language localization Czech, Slovak, English

Supported operating system windows 11

Virtual environment scenarios are created based on proven standardized experiences.

Another subjects

Energy Equipment

"Energy Equipment" is a specialized application focused on the construction and operation of energy facilities


The specialized application "Biology" is designed in the form of an encyclopedia and allows users to expand their knowledge about living organisms and understand their existence in the environment.


Specialized application "Chemistry" has a research-oriented nature and encourages independent thinking and creativity among students.


The specialized application "History" creates a space for cognitive activities of students, which include investigation, research, or discovery, as they form the basis for the understanding and comprehension of the past.

Electronic Circuits

The specialized application "Electronic Circuits" is prepared in a unique format specifically designed to present the theoretical foundations related to electronic or logical circuits.


The specialized application "Physics" is designed for students to familiarize themselves not only with the principles of physics but also with the fundamental physical quantities of the SI system.


The specialized application "Gastronomy" appeals to both beginners and more experienced users with its attractive presentation.


"Geography" is a specialized application that provides an attractive and understandable representation of fundamental geographical concepts.

Driving School

"Driving School" is a specialized application that offers numerous opportunities to gain knowledge in the field of road traffic.


The specialized application "Woodworking" serves as a guide to fundamental procedures and techniques utilized in the assembly of roofs, wooden structures, and even furniture.

Language Encyclopedia

The specialized application "Language Encyclopedia" offers the opportunity to present elementary English vocabulary to students in an engaging manner.

Patient Treatment

The specialized application "Patient Treatment" is created for the purpose of providing a clear and understandable representation of basic procedures and demonstrations of medical procedures.

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