Interactive form introduces significant historical events that the user arranges on a timeline through milestones. At the same time, they have the opportunity to assemble period images through a puzzle, explore historical periods through various 3D models that they can manipulate and view up close. They also place corresponding miniature monuments or terms on various map backgrounds.
1. World Monuments
2. UNESCO Heritage Sites in Europe
3. History of the Blue Planet – Earth
4. Evolution of the Human Species and Human Migration
5. Stone, Bronze, Iron Ages
6. Neolithic Revolution
7. Ancient Oriental Civilizations
8. Egypt
9. History of Ancient Greece
10. Greek Mythology
11. Greek Art and Phrases (Greek/Roman)
12. Native American Civilizations
13. History of Money
14. Rome – The Eternal City
15. Jesus Christ – Christianity
16. Roman Empire (Imperium Romanum)
17. Byzantine Empire
18. Muhammad – Islam
19. Middle Ages – Events and Personalities
20. Crusades and Knightly Orders
21. From the Middle Ages to the Modern Era
22. Humanism and the Renaissance
23. Exploratory Voyages that Shaped the World Map
24. Great Revolutions of the Modern Era
25. Industrial Revolution
26. The German Question – Three German Empires
27. History of Art 1
28. History of Art 2
29. Famous Ships
30. Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire
31. On the Path to World War I (Imperial Policies of Great Powers)
32. World War I
33. Totalitarian Regimes in Interwar Europe
34. World War II
35. Holocaust – "Shoah"
36. Cold War – 1947–1989 (Globalization of Local Conflicts)
37. Terrorism
38. Journey to the European Union
39. The World After 1989 (Map of Europe/World After 1989)
40. World Inventions of the 20th Century